Sunday, January 26, 2020

Well... Damn. Kobe?

Six years of silence.

Well, not really. Anyone who knows me will immediately refute the notion that I'm ever quiet. But I very obviously abandoned blogging with any degree of regularity after The Marathon. Maybe we'll do that again. Maybe not. These days, where I've swapped the abdominal 6-pack for the one you get in the adult beverage isle at the supermarket, it's not in the foreseeable future.

#SpoilerAlert This is no longer a fitness blog.

But, for the same reason I started this back in 2011 (I'll have to go back and check that, but I think it was 2011), I need a bit of accountability to focus me from the SQUIRREL! distractions that plague the ADD afflicted.

Anyone who's gracious enough to be following this blog also follows me elsewhere on social media and knows that I make stuff. Wood Stuff. Guitars. Mandolins. Ukuleles. Coasters. (yeah, that last one's not so wowing, but way more practical).  I'm also a cheap-ass, Scottish-heritage guy who couldn't turn down a price "oops!" from on a Les Paul Jr. guitar kit (or two).  Cheap enough that I was willing to risk turning a purchase into firewood for the chance at making a $300 kit (on sale for $150 (on "price-oops" close-out for, FREE, given that a $75 finishing kits was included)) awesome.

Okay, you don't care about the deal. I get it. That's not the point. I was halfway into potentially ruining this perfectly good guitar kit with power tools when Laura hollers down in the basement that Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash.

Well... Damn.

I grew up with Jordan. I will stubbornly argue that will never be another Jordan. No offense to Lebron, but Kobe is about as close you're going to get to that benchmark of "our" generation. Regardless of your opinion in the sport and his position in its royals, it was too soon for him to die.

So today, my next guitar has a name and Kobe is going to be fantastic.

Because what else would he be?